x86 reigns supreme as Snapdragon X Elite chips captured just 0.8% of the market with 720,000 units sold in Q3 2024 — Qualcomm misses out on rising AI PC sales with Intel and AMD taking charge

Despite Qualcomm’s ambitions and high hopes to control over 50% of the Windows market in the next five years, recent statistics show that its first-gen X Elite offerings are failing to gain consumer traction. TechRadar reports that of all PCs sold in Q3 24, Qualcomm’s chips powered 720,000 units – capturing just 0.8% of the entire market. In other words, one out of every 125 devices sold in the last quarter featured an X Elite processor, which pales in contrast to Intel, AMD, and even Apple on the Arm front.

Undoubtedly, AI PCs are on the rise, primarily because virtually every new processor comes equipped with a Copilot PC+ compliant NPU. Per the report, 13.3 million AI PCs were shipped in Q3 this year – a 20% increase compared to last quarter. For the uninitiated, this stat refers to PCs featuring an NPU-equipped processor, like Intel’s Meteor Lake and Lunar Lake offerings, AMD’s Phoenix, Hawk Point, and Strix Point series, and Qualcomm’s X Elite SoCs.

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