What is Power Efficiency & Why is it Important ?

Growing computing clusters demand more electrical power to run and cool equipment, power that generates additional greenhouse gases (GHG), increases costs, and often exceeds what’s available in data centers.

Lower operating expenses: Improving power efficiency reduces operating expenses, meaning more useful work can be accomplished for the same amount of money spent on electricity. 
Overcome power constraints: Many existing data centers can’t allocate additional electricity, and many new data centers have a hard limit on how much power they can consume. The only way to expand the amount of work they can do is improving power efficiency. 
Protect the environment: Traditional power generation produces GHG, accelerating climate change. Increasing power efficiency reduces power consumption and GHG production. Data centers can also switch to power from renewable sources to further reduce the amount of GHG produced per unit of electricity used. 
Reduce cooling costs: Every watt of power requires cooling. Reducing power consumption at the server and networking levels—along with finding alternative ways to manage heat without electricity—reduces the power needed for cooling.

Using accelerator technology to improve server efficiency and increase power distribution and cooling efficiencies can significantly reduce power consumption for data centers. This lowers operating costs, allows more compute power in data centers, and lowers GHG emissions. 

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