The Components of a Good Learning Game: What Makes a Title Beneficial for Kids?

When considering the time that our kids spend playing video games, it’s possible to be concerned about whether that time is well-spent or not. Well, there are some key points at which games can help kids if you know how to look for them.

From learning games and puzzles to rhythm games and fantasy, the world of video games is vast. Let’s talk about some great ways to ensure that your kids are using their video game time well.

It’s long been thought that the only way to improve one’s fine motor skills is to use them. This is one of the reasons why sport is so often recommended for kids – by ensuring they have a good knowledge of how to place their limbs in certain ways, you can improve their overall motor skills.

This can also be said for video games – some games demand precision and accuracy to be sure that you do well. For example, modern ‘first-person shooter’ games can avoid violence but still require the player to interact with the game world delicately. Aim for those games to help motor skills develop.

While the efficacy of homework has long been questioned, the idea behind it is sound. That idea is simple: if the student is thinking more about a given topic or skill, their brains will naturally absorb it a little more.

While you’re unlikely to be able to find general-release games that include algebra, consider the subjects your child is interested in, and look for games that partially line up with that niche. For instance, if you find that your child enjoys biology classes, perhaps you could look into nature-based games that encourage care for animals and plants. This care can engage skills that they have learned at school, for instance, how different plants transpire water at different rates, so need watering at different rates.

By selecting games in this way, you can reinforce school learning with fun and interesting gameplay.

It’s also worth considering the games on the market that are actually designed for a specific purpose. While these purposes aren’t too specific, most of the time, they can include certain conditions, such as ADHD and autism.

If your child has been diagnosed with something that makes the school process more difficult for them, look into games tailored to their needs that could help them process information more efficiently. A great example could be a game tailored toward helping dyslexic children read more independently. In that example, a pairing of simple game mechanics and eye-catching, engaging artwork will allow children to gain a better understanding of the necessary skills, and develop in their own time.

A good learning game can be hard to find, but consider different ways in which a learning game might help your child. By considering your child’s needs, you may find a much wider range of games to help them than you thought were available. Thinking about specific skills that your child needs help with can help you to identify key areas of growth and progress.

Also Read: Top 10 Android Games to Play

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