Spotlight: UneeQ Revolutionizes Customer Engagement with AI-Powered Digital Humans

With the rise of chatbots and virtual assistants, customer interactions have evolved to embrace the versatility of voice and text inputs. However, integrating visual and personalized components into these interactions is essential for creating immersive, user-centric experiences.

Enter UneeQ, a leading platform known for its creation of lifelike digital humans through AI-powered technology. 

The quest for high-quality speech animation for digital humans remains a significant challenge in traditional workflows. Real-time interaction is notoriously difficult to accomplish, often resulting in delays and unrealistic facial expressions that can hinder the overall user experience.

To address these challenges effectively, UneeQ integrated NVIDIA ACE into their proprietary AI animation system, Synanim.

Enhancing realism and immersion with NVIDIA ACE 

Synanim (derived from ‘synthetic animation’) is central to UneeQ’s creation of lifelike experiences with digital human avatars. It orchestrates a spectrum of movements and emotional expressions in real time, enabling avatars to convey a range of sentiments, from friendliness and empathy to warmth.

This dynamic animation system transcends mere facial expressions, extending its control to subtleties like breathing rate, body weight shifts, and other nuanced movements, further enhancing the avatar’s realism and engagement.

NVIDIA ACE microservices are seamlessly integrated into the Synanim platform to enhance the realism and quality of their digital human avatars.

One of the key microservices used is NVIDIA Audio2Face (A2F), which provides realistic facial animation and lip-sync during speech. By integrating A2F into Synanim, UneeQ was able to achieve low latency and highly believable conversations with their digital humans. This integration enables a synchronized and natural visual representation of speech, further enhancing the immersive experience for users.

Driving success and customer confidence

UneeQ harnesses the power of Synanim and ACE to enable its digital humans to deliver personalized and emotionally impactful interactions across a diverse array of scenarios, ranging from e-commerce and customer assistance to sales training coaching. The platform’s adaptability allows UneeQ’s clients to offer exceptional customer experiences, whether they operate in the cloud or on-premises.

For example, UneeQ’s digital humans deployed for Deutsche Telekom played a pivotal role in educating users about their home Internet needs by conducting diagnostics and suggesting strategies for improving connectivity. This initiative yielded remarkable results, significantly boosting customer confidence and providing tailored solutions. Within just a few weeks, Deutsche Telekom doubled its online conversion rates, with subsequent growth reaching a staggering 5.8x increase.

Pushing the boundaries of digital human experiences

UneeQ aims to deliver even more immersive and engaging experiences by continuously enhancing and expanding existing features such as speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and lip movement. 

Figure 1. UneeQ’s Digital Human Platform

As well, integrating retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technology allows UneeQ to better serve a wide range of customers by providing more informed and contextually appropriate responses. Examples include answering questions, providing recommendations, or offering personalized assistance. This not only enhances user satisfaction but also strengthens trust and confidence in the platform’s ability to deliver value-added experiences. 

And by tapping into the power of ACE microservices, UneeQ is poised to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of digital human experiences, in terms of performance, realism, and scalability.

Join UneeQ’s session at SIGGRAPH 2024, The Key To Enterprise Success With Autonomous Digital Humans, to learn how enterprises are integrating digital humans to make real-time, always-on customer interactions possible. Catch UneeQ in Booth IZ005 at the NVIDIA Inception Startups Innovation Zone to interact with a digital human leveraging ACE NIMs for animation and speech

Don’t miss out on the latest NVIDIA ACE innovations from NVIDIA at SIGGRAPH and experience the future of digital humans.

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