How to Migrate Your Website to a New Host: A Step-by-Step Guide

It always makes prudent sense to shift your website to a different hosting provider, whether it be because of issues with the current hosting provider or an upgrade to better suit the changing needs-a new hosting provider can make all the difference in the success of a website.

Why should the website owners move their websites?

Performance Issue

If your site loads slowly, regularly goes down, or the performance of its server is not reliable, that may be high time to think whether your current hosting service provider is giving you what you expect from them. By relocating to a new host with advanced infrastructure and optimized server settings, the performance of your website could improve to enrich user experience.

Customer Support and Technical Assistance

The irksome customer support and poor oftentimes affects adversely the performance of your website when critical issues pop up on the website in the form of an emergency. Moving to a host offering responsive and knowledgeable support will ensure that you get timely help and expert advice when you need it most.

Advanced features and resources

Advanced features, additional utilities, and resources may become imperative after some time as your website will grow with time. Scaling up to a hosting provider like will offer scalable hosting plans with better security measures and robust infrastructure that might just provide you with the further resources you need to grow and innovate. 

Website traffic change

Some websites have sudden surges and losses of traffic. In that, to handle such voluminous waves of traffic, one needs hosting solutions that handle them realistically. This is because of the scalable hosting solutions; flexible resources imply that your website will stay up, responsive to the shifting surge in traffic.

Security Concerns

Poor security measures or vulnerabilities result in malware attacks, hacking, or even intrusion into your website and sensitive information. Immediately shift to those hosting companies that deploy strict security measures and are very active in monitoring to protect your website against any attack.

Need for Specialized Hosting Services

Specialized Hosting Needs If there are specific e-commerce, content management system, or special applications that you might require, then you need to migrate to a hosting provider that actually specializes either in your platform or in your technology stack. This kind of hosting will make sure your website performs optimally, is compatible, and supported with regard to particular needs.

Preparation Steps

It is relevant that, before you actually begin the process of migrating your website, you take the necessary steps to ensure a successful transition. These are the steps which you will have to consider in ensuring that your migration is successful, including:

 1.Backup your current website

Backup everything in your existing website. This should be a full backup of all your files, databases, and configurations. You can create a full backup using either the hosting control panel or by using a backup plugin.  

2. Choose the Right Web Host

This means you have to conduct a little research to compare the hosting providers and find out which one would fit your website needs best. Besides, you will need to pay more attention to the performance of the server, reliability of the cheapest web hosting provider, scalability of the hosting, customer support, price, and extra features provided by the hosting provider. Once the hosting provider is selected, you need to configure the hosting account and get the environment prepared for migration.

How to Migrate Website Hosting to a New Host

Choosing a new host can be daunting; however, with proper planning and execution, migration is truly easy. This guide will walk you through the steps of how to migrate your website to your new hosting provider.

Step 1: Choosing a Hosting Provider: Avail an appropriate hosting service provider for hosting the website. This service provider has to be reliable and supportive, providing features appropriate for one’s current needs.

Step 2: Backup Your Website. First things first: before you migrate your website, make sure you back up all your website files and databases. That way, this might help in case something goes wrong with your migration.

Step 3: Configuration of Your Hosting Account. Following the sign-up, configure everything that will be needed by your hosting provider regarding domain nameservers, email accounts, etc.

Step 4: Purchase a domain: If not done, buy one.

Step 5: Website files transfer: You may upload your website files to the new hosting server by File Transfer Protocol or from a file manager given by your hosting company. Your files should be correctly put in the right directory and permission given to work on your new server.

Step 6: Migrate Your Database: First, export your database of the website from the old hosting server and import it to the new hosting server. The migration needs to be done using any online database management panel like phpMyAdmin. Change the database connection in the configuration files of your website and set it to point at your new hosting server.

Step 7: Testing of Your Website: After migration is done, test your website for everything to work as expected. Fix any errors and issues which may arise immediately so that transition is seamless for your visitors.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Insufficient or Poor Backup

Take the backups of your complete website before you initiate the process for migration. Backups need to be done on a regular basis so that these could be restored whenever required.

Poory Configured DNS Settings

The DNS settings need to be pointed rightly towards your new hosting company. Do the planning of DNS setting much prior to starting the migration process, so you would not worry about any kind of down time.

Not Transferring the Emails

Migrate your e-mail accounts with your old host to your new one. Set up mail forwarding. Keep your e-mails current so that you do not miss any correspondence with your new host. 

Performance Optimisation Being Overlooked

This is also a very good opportunity to optimize your site for performance, caching, image optimization and minimizing the requests the server has to deal with to speed up your website and improve user experience. 

Testing to Avoid

Thoroughly test your website on the new hosting server before making it live. This would enable you to make a note of any issues arising out of this and fix them without wasting any time. Make use of tools like Pingdom, GTmetrix etc to test your website performance and highlight.

Post-Migration Checklist

Once you have migrated your website successfully, it will be important to follow a comprehensive checklist that may help in ensuring everything is running well. The following are some of the key tasks you might want to do once the migration has completed.

 Data Integrity

Make sure that all of your website files, databases and other data have been moved to your new hosting server error free and without any data loss. You can also check the integrity of the data on your new server by comparing them with the data on your backup.

Web Site Functionality

Test the site for functionality and navigation, links, use of pictures, forms, and interactivity. Determine any issues that are the result of the moving process-accessing a broken link or failure of an image to appear.

Web Application Compatibility

Test to see if all applications, plugins, and scripts work on your website and are compatible with your hosting environment.

Domain Configuration

Change the DNS settings if necessary, so that your domain will point to your new hosting site.

Status of Domain Propagation: Verify the status of domain propagation to ensure that changes are propagated across the globe, and visitors can access one’s site without a problem. 

Test Email Functionality: If one has an email account associated with their domain, send and receive emails on the new hosting server. You might want to test if email forwarding and aliases are set correctly as well. 

Check Security Settings

Keep updating your website and checking any security settings that may help you protect your website against most threats that might be launched against it. Utilize security plugins and online security scanners to check your website for malware, vulnerabilities, and other security issues that make sure you’re safe.

Website performance monitoring: It will help monitor your site performance regarding loading time, server response time, and overall site uptime. Performance monitoring tools can help detect issues that reduce performance and quickly take action to resolve them.

Backup of Data

Once you make a backup from your site and database on your new hosting, you are making sure you have a fresh copy in case something goes wrong unexpectedly or in an emergency.


Benefits that may be accrued from migrating a website into a new hosting service include better performances, more supporting services, and added functionalities. Migration must always be preceded by careful planning and preparation to avoid cases of down times and therefore ensure smooth transitions.

Also, ensure that you periodically back up your website data, and further monitor the performance thereafter for swift identification of any issue that would need resolution in no time. If you experience any problems at any point in the process of migration, this is where you may consult a professional web developer or an expert in migration services.

Take the time to get an appropriate web hosting service provider that will provide decent hosting service, good customer care service, and last but not least, features allowing your website room for expansion and growth.

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