subnet – How to replace explicit IP range route setting in OS with router configuration?

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I have a Mikrotik Router B750Gr3 i want all requests to be redirected to mikrotik router. How to properly do it?
i have a mikrotik router that gets dhcp configs including ip and gateway .
mikrotik router provides IPs in range
there are cameras connected to cisco router that are in subnet and that router is routing requests to the cameras.
i’ve added routing rule to mikrotik router to route requests to or %ether1 (WAN).
if i add explicit route rule on a computer to be routed to mikrotik
sudo ip route add via

then i can access camera (tested with ping if explicit route is not added then
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable

How to do this properly without explicit route rule in computer OS?

Operating System: CentOS Stream 9
Roiuter details:
ModelR B750Gr3
Revision r4
Serial Number HG409Z9033T
Firmware Type mt7621L
Factory Firmware 6.49.11
Current Firmware7.15.1
Upgrade Firmware7.15.1

I had to add DHCP server option populating 121 class value 0x18C0A805C0A83C01.
/ip dhcp-server option
add code=121 name=StaticRoute value=0x18C0A805C0A83C01

/ip dhcp-server network
set [find address=] dhcp-option=StaticRoute

one tricky thing is that length of the mask part of the value has to correspond to prefix 0x18 – 3 bytes instead of usual 4

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