deAI Summit Explores the Convergence of AI, Blockchain, and Data Ownership During TOKEN2049 Singapore

The deAI (Decentralized AI) Summit, held during TOKEN2049 in Singapore, one of the world’s most anticipated blockchain events, took center stage as global leaders, innovators, and investors gathered to explore the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology. The summit addressed critical topics, including the future of data ownership, transparency, and the profound potential of decentralized AI-driven ecosystems.

This exclusive event featured thought-provoking panels and presentations that showcased how AI and blockchain are reshaping industries, from finance to digital identity. The discussions focused on solving pressing challenges around data ownership, privacy, and security while providing a glimpse into the next generation of decentralized applications (dApps).

Exploring the Future of AI and Blockchain Integration

As industries increasingly adopt AI to power decision-making, the issue of data privacy and ownership has come to the forefront. Blockchain’s decentralized nature offers a solution to this challenge, enabling individuals and businesses to regain control over their data. Through the integration of AI and blockchain, the deAI Summit explored how decentralized technologies could provide transparency, security, and scalability to AI systems.

Zac Cheah, Co-Founder and CEO of Pundi X Labs and the organizer of deAI Summit, shared his insights on the importance of decentralized AI, stating, “The convergence of AI and blockchain is not just a technological shift; it’s a paradigm change in how we approach data ownership and control. We believe that decentralized AI will pave the way for more secure, transparent, and equitable data ecosystems, where individuals have true ownership and businesses can operate with greater trust and innovation.”

Key Highlights from the deAI Summit

The summit featured several prominent panel discussions and presentations from key figures in AI and blockchain:

What Can Blockchain Bring to AI? – This panel, moderated by Teng from Chain of Thought, examined how blockchain can enhance AI transparency, security, and scalability. Panelists included Zac Cheah, CEO & Co-Founder of Pundi X; Zach Horn, Head of Marketing at Akash Network; Ian Chong, Developer Ecosystem Lead APAC at Circle; and Tiffany Lai, VP of Ecosystem, 0G Labs.

Data Ownership in the AI Era – Moderated by Rajeet Singh, Marketing & Strategy, AI Network, this discussion delved into the ethical and practical challenges of data ownership. Panelists, including Benson from Nubila; Aaron Basi, Head of Product from IoTeX; David George Williams, Head of AI Lab from Assisterr; and Magzhan Ikram, Co-Founder of Oraclus, explored how decentralized platforms are empowering individuals to protect and monetize their personal data.

The Next Billion-Dollar Opportunity: AI-Driven Web3 Startups – This panel, led by Peko Wan, Co-CEO of Pundi X, focused on identifying and investing in emerging AI-driven startups in the Web3 space with Abby Huang, Head of WOO Innovation Hub; Nathanael Christian, CMO at Tokenomy by Indodax; Rio from Impossible Finance; and Raymond Huang from Mossfire Capital. They shared insights into the types of innovation that will drive the next wave of AI-powered dApps and services from the investor point of view.

Exclusive Product Presentations

In addition to panel discussions, the deAI Summit featured presentations from leading blockchain and AI solution providers. Greg Osuri of Akash Network demonstrated Akash Network’s decentralized infrastructure for AI, while Circle showcased the Circle Developer Platform and Ecosystem Grant Intro.

Shaping the Future of Decentralized AI

The deAI Summit was a pivotal moment for the industry, offering attendees a first-hand look at how AI and blockchain are converging to create decentralized digital ecosystems that prioritize transparency, security, and data ownership. With its unique combination of high-level discussions, product demonstrations, and exclusive networking opportunities, the deAI Summit was not just a platform for innovation but a hub for building a more equitable, decentralized, and data-driven digital future.

As Singapore continues to establish itself as a global leader in blockchain and AI innovation, the deAI Summit solidified its role as a key event for those shaping the future of decentralized technologies.

Greg Grzesiak is an Entrepreneur-In-Residence and Columnist at Grit Daily. As CEO of Grzesiak Growth LLC, Greg dedicates his time to helping CEOs influencers and entrepreneurs make the appearances that will grow their following in their reach globally. Over the years he has built strong partnerships with high profile educators and influencers in Youtube and traditional finance space. Greg is a University of Florida graduate with years of experience in marketing and journalism.

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