5G phone connection latency spikes for low frequency packets

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I’ve been trying to optimize my latency for gaming, to remove latency spikes. My only option is 5G phone tethering right now. At the end even if my initial problem can’t be solved I’m still curious about how 5G works.
On packetlosstest.com test I observe spikes that go up to about 200ms for a normally 60ms destination, this happens once every few seconds. Initially I suspected poor indoor 5G reception, so I keep the test running while I move the phone around different positions close to the window, or move it higher, sometimes the spikes would disappear but it’s not consistent.

Upon further testing, when I set the frequency to ~25 packets per second or above, the spikes completely disappeared, stably for minutes.
While I’m pleasantly surprised that a 5G connection can be that stable, I’m losing some hope on solving my initial problem since games already send / receive constant stream of packets so the latency I experienced in games seems to have nothing to do with the spikes I see in test result.
Nevertheless I’m curious about how 5G works, I suppose if I try very hard I could find technical papers but anything below that is hard to find perhaps because the technology is still rather new.
My guess is that the spikes I observe in low frequency test (15 packet /s) came from my phone aggressively try to power save and there are some renegotiation overhead? In that case is it built into the standard? Could anyone with knowledge on 5G shed some light on whether it is indeed what’s at work here?

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